Monday, September 28, 2015

A few years ago I read a question that gave me great pause to ponder, and I've adapted it for my own life challenge and inspiration to grow and always be open to attempt new challenges and experiences.  So, on the desk-surround in my office I have this question posted:  "When was the last time you did something for the first time?"   On that paper I have written several life "firsts" that I've done the past several years ... parasailing in Vietnam, riding the sling shot at the fair, buying a motor cycle ~ AND learning to ride; the page is full!  So, when I go home, I'll add SEVERAL first just from the last 24 hours!
  • Visit Friends in Ankara
  • New restaurant with great food
  • Take a swan dive OUT OF instead of IN TO a pool ... okay, a tub, but it was a really HIGH tub ...
    • proceed to hurt my foot and get a doozer bruise on the hip
    • proceed with our planned outing/walk with J & D
    • enjoy that first meal mentioned above
    • decide a trip to urgent care is in order as the foot is feeling progressively worse
    • visit an urgent care in Ankara!
    • make wonderful connections with gals, AND a charming 91 year-old Economist ~ that will now and till heaven be part of my prayer list!
    • ride a wheelchair out into the fringes of Ankara rush-hour traffic ... "with a little [lot of!!] help from my friends"
  • Proceed tomorrow (?) with touring and walking/gliding/swinging on crutches, praying, for this land that I love so much!
God doesn't waste anything, and this day was not wasted.  Amazing diving appointments, and He alone knows what the result will be!  And, I have been humbled in the need to ask for so much help, and humbled in the realization that my own attitude is not always good when I am assisting someone else (God gave me a photo flash of something; love the way He does that!).  God doesn't waste anything!  This day has been a grand adventure.  And the rest of the group accomplished their abbreviated team


1 comment:

  1. You have the most amazing attitude, Sherri!!! So sorry for the broken foot, but loved reading all you wrote. I'm so glad you have the blog. I didn't realize you'd be in such a pretty place.
    Hi Janice and Norma! Love and prayers to all, Linda Kiser
